This time I created several challenges for TSJ CTF 2022, and I published
my challenges and writeups in maple3142/My-CTF-Challenges.
Due to GitHub's poor support of mathjax rendering in markdown, I decided
to create this one for readers of Crypto writeups.
deffermat(x, mx): a = floor(sqrt(x)) b2 = a * a - x cnt = 0 whileTrue: if is_square(b2): b = floor(sqrt(b2)) yield a + b, a - b a += 1 cnt += 1 if cnt == mx: return b2 = a * a - x
I encrypted the flag and messages by xoring them with a random number
You got a simple LCG with , where
are prime and is a power of . The flag are encrypted by xor it with
initial state . Some random
messages are generated by randmsg are encrypted by the same
The first thing to notice is randmsg generated messages
are all decimal digits, and they are 0x30 to
0x39 in ASCII. It is obvious that their binary
representation are all 0011????, so we can get serveral non
continuous bits of states .
The most simple unintended solution is to use z3. You
just let the state be
bits unsigned bitvector, and write LCG and specify the constraints, and
it will magically found the state, so you can get the flag too.
Another more mathematical unintended solution by @Kuruwa: Since is a power of , reducing it to works too. And just do some
bruteforce searching over the digits to see if it holds.
The intended solution will be in the writeup of
Category: Crypto
Score: 276/500
Solves: 13/428
is this rsa?
We have , where is 1024 bit prime and is 512 bit prime. Define an elliptic
curve over , flag (with some random
padding) are encoded as x coordinate of a point on curve. The ciphertext is another
point , where .
By substituting the coorinates of back to the original curve, we have
, where are known. If we change this
equation to , we get .
Define another polynomial , it is easy to see . Since is small compared to , we use Coppersmith's method to solve
for the root and factor .
Once you got , the remaining
part should be easy. Change the curve to and and compute the order
separately, and invert the scalar multiplication to get the flag.
n = 1084688440161525456565761297723021343753253859795834242323030221791996428064155741632924019882056914573754134213933081812831553364457966850480783858044755351020146309359045120079375683828540222710035876926280456195986410270835982861232693029200103036191096111928833090012465092747472907628385292492824489792241681880212163064150211815610372913101079146216940331740232522884290993565482822803814551730856710106385508489039042473394392081462669609250933566332939789 xx, yy = ( 1079311510414830031139310538989364057627185699077021276018232243092942690870213059161389825534830969580365943449482350229248945906866520819967957236255440270989833744079711900768144840591483525815244585394421988274792758875782239418100536145352175259508289748680619234207733291893262219468921233103016818320457126934347062355978211746913204921678806713434052571635091703300179193823668800062505275903102987517403501907477305095029634601150501028521316347448735695, 950119069222078086234887613499964523979451201727533569872219684563725731563439980545934017421736344519710579407356386725248959120187745206708940002584577645674737496282710258024067317510208074379116954056479277393224317887065763453906737739693144134777069382325155341867799398498938089764441925428778931400322389280512595265528512337796182736811112959040864126090875929813217718688941914085732678521954674134000433727451972397192521253852342394169735042490836886, )
e = 65537
r = ZZ((yy ^ 2 - xx ^ 3) % n) P = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n), "q") q = P.gen() f = r - q q = ZZ(f.monic().small_roots(X=2 ^ 512, epsilon=0.8, beta=0.66)[0]) p = n // q assert p * q == n
print((log(p) / log(n)).n())
E = EllipticCurve(Zmod(n), [p, q])
phi = E.change_ring(GF(p)).order() * E.change_ring(GF(q)).order() d = inverse_mod(e, phi) x, y = (d * E(xx, yy)).xy() print(long_to_bytes(x))
Another way to factor it by @Kuruwa:
Since , the vector will be in lattice
spanned by the following basis .
Since is just 512 bits, is probably a short vector in it. Run
LLL or Lagrange-Gauss algorithm could produce the vector .
Top Secret
Category: Crypro
Score: 325/500
Solves: 9/428
In year 2087, the TSJ corporation invented a new patented stream
cipher to protect their communication. One day, another member stole an
important file from the CEO's computer, but it turns out to be
encrypted. Fortunately, the script used to encrypt the file were stolen
too. You, as a member of Nantou Resistance, accept the challenge to
decrypt it.
This is a weird stream cipher that has an internal state
s, and it will update its state using the
forward/fast_forward function:
1 2 3 4
defforward(s: int, n: int, k: int) -> int: for _ inrange(n): s = (s >> 1) ^ ((s & 1) * k) return s
The k is a known constant, and the n is the
key of the cipher. The initialize state of the cipher is fixed too. The
objective is to decrypt a PNG encrypted by it.
First, it is necessary to understand the meaning of
s = (s >> 1) ^ ((s & 1) * k). If you ever tried
to read the implementation of AES, you may find that it is pretty
similar to the xtime operation. (An
example in C)
xtime operation means multiplying an element by , and each element is represented by a
polynomial of , modulo . In AES, the lowest bit
represents , and the highest bit
represents .
In this challenge, the order of bits are swapped, so the bit shifting
direction are different. And the constant k obvious
represents a 128 degree polynomial...?
Actually, key = randbelow(2 ** 128) is meant to confuse
people. If you try to construct the polynomial by
f'{k:0128b}1' you will see it is not a prime polynomial,
because its leftmost bit is 0. The correct degree is 127,
so you can construct the field in Sage and implements
fast_forward like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
from sage.allimport GF, var
deffast_forward(s, n, k): x = var("x") coefs = [int(x) for x in (f"{k:0127b}1")] poly = sum(c * x ** i for i, c inenumerate(coefs)) F = GF(2 ** 127, "a", modulus=poly) a = F.gen() s_coefs = [int(x) for x inf"{s:0127b}"] ss = sum(c * a ** i for i, c inenumerate(s_coefs)) sn = ss * a ** n returnint("".join(map(str, sn.polynomial().list())).ljust(127, "0"), 2)
The next step is to observe that the first 16 bytes of PNG is known,
not just 8 bytes, because of the IHDR chunk. Xor the first chunk of
ciphertext and the first 16 bytes of PNG gives second state of the
cipher. This can be written as:
So this is a discrete log problem in . Unfortunately, is a mersenne prime, so you
can't use Pohlig–Hellman to compute .
s = 0x6BF1B9BAE2CA5BC9C7EF4BCD5AADBC47 k = 0x5C2B76970103D4EEFCD4A2C681CC400D
x = var("x") coefs = [int(x) for x in (f"{k:0127b}1")] poly = sum(c * x ** i for i, c inenumerate(coefs)) F = GF(2 ** 127, "a", modulus=poly) alpha = F.gen()
defint2el(r): returnsum(c * alpha ** i for i, c inenumerate(int(x) for x inf"{r:0127b}"))
withopen("flag.png.enc", "rb") as f: data =
ks = bytes(x ^ y for x, y inzip(data, pngheader)) A = int2el(s) B = int2el(int.from_bytes(ks, "big")) key = int(pari.fflog(B / A, alpha)) #
from challenge import Cipher
withopen("flag.png", "wb") as f: f.write(Cipher(key).decrypt(data))
By the way, @Utaha
tells me that it is not necessary to compute the discrete log to solve
this challenge. Because the key stream is just like a geometric progression. And can be simply computed by , so it is enough to decrypt
the flag actually.
Cipher Switching Service
Category: Crypto
Score: 416/500
Solves: 4/428
You can freely swap the encrypted flag between two cryptosystem, but
you still don't know what is the flag.
The server prints one 1024 bits RSA public key and one 1024 bits
ElGamal public key on connection, and gives an RSA encrypted randomly
padded flag (padded length is 96 bytes). The length of the flag is
Server supports two operations, allowing you to decrypt a RSA
ciphertext and encrypt it using ElGamal, and vice versa.
Note: There is a much more simpler unintended solution idea from
@Mystiz, scroll to the
bottom to see
Using the homomorphic property of RSA, we can get any ciphertext of
. ElGamal is encrypted
as for some
random number and public key
I use to denote Legendre Symbol
here because it is hard to type in Latex. Obviously, . Also, by how is
generated, it is easy to see , so we have .
When it decrypts with
RSA private, it actually gives , so it is actually.
Suppose , is just , so should hold. If
, might not hold.
From this, it is possible find
such that with binary
search, so the flag is
approximately .
Since the oracle is not really robust, might need to use some
heuristic to make it more stable.
io = remote("localhost", 8763) io.recvuntil(b"RSA") n, e = ast.literal_eval(io.recvlineS()) io.recvuntil(b"ElGamal") p, g, y = ast.literal_eval(io.recvlineS()) io.recvuntil(b"len(flag) = ") flagln = ast.literal_eval(io.recvlineS()) io.recvuntil(b"flagenc = ") c = ast.literal_eval(io.recvlineS()) assert legendre(g, p) == 1
deflegendre(a, p): r = pow(a, (p - 1) // 2, p) return r if r != p - 1else -1
cnt = 0
defget_legendre(a): # get legendre((a * m) % n, p) global cnt cnt += 1 ca = pow(a, e, n) cc = (ca * c) % n c1, c2 = to_elgamal(cc) lc2 = legendre(c2, p) return lc2
deforacle(a, b): # return True if a * k < n # no guarantee for i inrange(a - b, a + b): if get_legendre(i) * legendre(i, p) != expected: returnFalse returnTrue
b = 3# 3~4 is the best t = 10 until = (a_ub - a_lb).bit_length() - (flagln - 4) * 8 - 5
defsearch(l, r, hist): # dfs with some pruning global b if (r - l).bit_length() < until: for aa inrange(l, r): f = long_to_bytes(n // aa) if f.startswith(b"TSJ{"): print(f) break print(f"{cnt = }") exit() ifsum(hist[-t:]) >= t orsum(hist[-t:]) <= -t: # because oracle may have false positive # discard current branch if it is search on a single direction print("bad", f"{t = }") b = min(b + 1, 10) # increase bruteforcing window return t # rewind t recursive call print((r - l).bit_length(), b) m = (r + l) // 2 whileTrue: if oracle(m, b): r = search(m, r, hist + [1]) if r isnotNoneand r > 0: return r - 1 else: r = search(l, m, hist + [-1]) if r isnotNoneand r > 0: return r - 1 if r != 0: break
search(a_lb, a_ub, [])
An unintended solution by @Mystiz is to find a such that is just slightly above , this means is . By using homomorphic property of
ElGamal you can get the RSA ciphertext of , which is just . And you can just do to find the
Category: Crypto
Score: 469/500
Solves: 2/428
Another boring crypto challenge about signatures.
This challenge signs 6 signatures using ECDSA on Secp256k1. The nonce
is generated by xoring hash and private key . The flag is encrypted with AES-CTR,
key are derived from ECDSA private and IV are unknown.
For two n bits integer ,
, where and is their n-th bit.
So can be
written as . And it can be substituted back to to get a bunch of
equations that have as their
In Secp256k1, is a 256 bit
number. So in the jonasnick/ecdsaPredictableNonce,
you can collect 256 signatures and solve with linear algebra.
But it forgot an important fact: . This problem can be transform into finding a short
vector in lattice, and use LLL to solve it.
Details are in the solution script
After recovering , we still
need IV to decrypt the flag with AES-CTR. Notice there is a prefix
Congrats! This is your flag: in the plaintext, we can take
the first block and xor it with the first block of ciphertext, they
decrypt it with the key. This is how AES-CTR works.
from fastecdsa.curve import secp256k1 as CURVE from Crypto.Cipher import AES from hashlib import sha256 from operator import xor import ast
withopen("output.txt") as f: sigs = [] for _ inrange(6): z, r, s = map(int, f.readline().strip().split()) sigs.append((z, r, s)) msgct = ast.literal_eval(f.readline())
defrecover_d(sigs): P = PolynomialRing(Zmod(CURVE.q), "d", 256) ds = P.gens() dd = sum([2 ** i * di for i, di inenumerate(ds)]) polys = [] for z, r, s in sigs: d_and_z = sum([2 ** i * ((z & (1 << i)) >> i) * di for i, di inenumerate(ds)]) # fact: (a xor b) = a + b - 2 * (a and b) k = dd + z - 2 * d_and_z polys.append((s * k) - (z + r * dd)) M, v = Sequence(polys).coefficient_matrix() print(v.T) M = M.T.dense_matrix() a, b = M.dimensions() B = block_matrix( ZZ, [[matrix.identity(b) * CURVE.q,, a)], [M, matrix.identity(a)]] ) B[:, :b] *= 2 ^ 64 print("LLL", B.dimensions()) for row in B.LLL(): if row[:b] == 0and row[-1] == 1andall(0 <= x <= 1for x in row[b:-1]): dbits = row[b:-1] d = int("".join(map(str, dbits[::-1])), 2) return d
d = recover_d(sigs) print(f"{d = }") key = sha256(str(d).encode()).digest()[:16] nonce =, AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt( bytes(map(xor, b"Congrats! This is your flag: "[:16], msgct[:16])) )[:8] cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=nonce) print(cipher.decrypt(msgct))
Category: Crypto
Score: 469/500
Solves: 2/428
This upgraded version of RNG++, so you might want to
read it before reading this.
I encrypted the flag and messages by xoring them with a random number
generator again. But it should be harder to break this time.
Basically same as RNG++, but is a prime this time.
Since we only know some bits in each state , it can be written as:
is a known part of each
state and are
unknowns.This is equivalent to this binary representation:
It is easy to see , and trying to substitute with will find out that it is just some
linear combination of . And
the fact
tells us we need to find something small, so it isn't
too hard to think about lattice.
Using coefficient matrix of those polynomials (), we can transform
this problem into finding closest vector of a lattice. And using Babai
Nearest Plane algorithm on a BKZ reduced basis (LLL reduced basis
doesn't work well here) allows you to find the correct .
from Crypto.Util.number import * from operator import xor
withopen("output.txt") as f: lines = f.readlines() M, A, C = [ZZ(x) for x in lines[0].strip().split()] sz = round(M.log(2)) cts = [bytes_to_long(bytes.fromhex(line.strip())) for line in lines[1:]]
F = Zmod(M) # t = F(C / (1 - A)) unames = ",".join(sum([[f"u_{i}_{j}"for j inrange(sz // 8)] for i inrange(n)], [])) P = PolynomialRing(F, unames) U = matrix(n, sz // 8, P.gens()) rs = [ys[i] + sum([2 ^ (8 * j) * U[i, j] for j inrange(sz // 8)]) for i inrange(n)] fs = [A * r + C - rr for r, rr inzip(rs, rs[1:])] # rs = [r - t for r in rs] # substitution # fs = [A ^ 1 * r - rr for r, rr in zip(rs, rs[1:])]
B, v = Sequence(fs).coefficient_matrix() print(vector(v)) B = B.T.dense_matrix().change_ring(ZZ) target = (-B[-1]).list() B = B[:-1] a, b = B.dimensions() print(a, b) I = matrix.identity(a) B = block_matrix([[B, I], [M * matrix.identity(b),, a)]]) print(B.dimensions())
defBabai_CVP(mat, target): # M = mat.LLL() M = mat.BKZ(algorithm="NTL", prune=5) G = M.gram_schmidt()[0] diff = target for _ inrange(1): for i inreversed(range(G.nrows())): diff -= M[i] * ((diff * G[i]) / (G[i] * G[i])).round() return target - diff
ifall(0 <= x < 16for x in found): print("good") mat = matrix(n, sz // 8, found) ss = [ ys[i] + sum([2 ^ (8 * j) * mat[i, j] for j inrange(sz // 8)]) for i inrange(n) ] print(ss) assert (A * ss[0] + C) % M == ss[1] flag = long_to_bytes(xor(ZZ(F(ss[0] - C) / A), flagct)).decode() print(f"TSJ{{{flag}}}")